Thanks Mom...

This may not be my most significant post to date, but I came across some information this weekend, that may change your life!  Well, ok, maybe not your life, but your kids lives...

drown You know the whole thing about waiting 30 minutes after eating before swimming?  You know, you might get stomach cramps and drown?  It isn't true.  What?  You mean all those years that our parents made us sit and wait were wasted minutes?  You mean I could have been swimming?  Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.

Maybe someone wants to prove me wrong, but according to my sources, Drew and Tessa will be jumping right in.



Chip and Karen said…
I don't know about the stomach cramps, but last weekend at the lake, there was a little boy blowing major chunks on the edge of the water (let's just say I moved "up-wind")... and I heard his dad say "See, I told you not to go in right after lunch."

Not sure how chunks will go over in the pool!

But then again, I never believed the "wait after eating" story until last weekend.
cookiehawk77 said…
In a pool, one is usually just playing around, not doing long-distance swimming that would tax our large muscles and cause our stomach shorted its blood flow, leading to cramps. Even if we got cramps, we're not fighting currents and tides, and the side isn't that far away. But I think avoiding chunks is always a good idea!