Braden is here!

Braden Montgomery was born at 8:15 am today (Mon 7/21).  He is 9lbs 15 oz and 21“ long.

Everyone is doing great!

Montgomery is in honor of Becky’s father and grandfather (Montgomery was their middle names).

Some pictures are below and more are available and even more will be available later today and in the days to come at






Brenda Arce said…
already???? Oh my goodness that was fast!
Congratulations!! I love the name Braden!
Take care!!!
Brenda Arce said…
Wow!! just an ounce away from a 10 pounder!
Chip and Karen said…
Congratulations! Enjoy the next few days while they sleep all the time... as we all know, it comes to an end all too quickly!

It was fun to see the pictures of Mom & Dad with Braden on Day 1! They look thrilled to be a part!
Anonymous said…
Hi Rob and Becky! Congratulations!!!! Hooray for another boy!!! (Of course we would have been happy for a girl, but we have that special adoration of boys!) We have been praying and are so glad to get the news and pictures so quickly!!! Can't wait to see that NEW little life! Praise God! Josh, Kristi and all our boys
Julie said…
Yay! We're so glad he is here and in good health. Enjoy these first few days of getting to know one another. :)

- Lance, Julie, and Zach
Mark B said…
Congratulations Becky & Rob!!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! The baby is beautiful! Ethan is excited to have a "Birthday Buddy". As my baby boy turns 18 today, I was thinking how fast those years go by. I remember every moment of his entrance into the world 18 years ago! Can't wait to meet Braden and see all of you again! Take Care! Thanking God for your beautiful family,
Aunt Michele, Uncle Stu, Megan and Ethan
Anonymous said…
God Bless your sweet sweet family. I was really sure you were going to have a girl. what do i know? Braden is a beautiful boy. I love all the photos! 9 lbs 15oz (wow) Take care!
Ms Beth (Preschool MBC)
Anonymous said…
He is beautiful, Becky! Congrats on a big boy! I still have you beat though... Bobby was 10lb 9oz!