Silencio Por Favor

The Board meetings are done.  The budget was presented, and if I can be transparent, it took way to long.  There is just no way to communicate the depth and breadth of past fiscal actualities and future prognostications in a timely fashion. 

I posted about being busy.  Here is the answer...

"We Christians must simplify our lives or lose untold treasures on earth and in eternity. Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life all but impossible. The need for solitude and quietness was never greater than it is today." - Tozer

Time to retreat...



Chip and Karen said…
often, conversations of a simple life refer to the limitation or elimination of such things as cell phones, email, voicemail, and dare I say it... blogs?!

And yet here I am leaving a comment for you regarding simplicity!

The issue is not necessarily about eliminating time-consuming activities (like communicating fiscal activities) or habits (even blogging)... it's more about identifying and eliminating "Non-Value-Add" activities. [Brian, if you're reading... that one was for you (and anyone else familiar with 6Sigma).]

All that to say... Rob, glad it's over... for another year!

Rob and Becky said…
What am i doing commenting on your comment at 11:30 at night...anyway... Don't you dare suggest my blogging could be non-value-add. Do you realize how many people are being deeply challenged by my wise words? it has got to be millions...

I agree with you, you used "not necessarily"...yes, sometimes we have to get rid of value-add items as well. I think a priority is to first remove the non-value stuff, and then we have to to look at the value stuff. The important thing is, we have to think, and we have to act. Most of us have too much non-value stuff, and too much value stuff.