Our Trip to Haiti…

It was truly phenomenal.  We are excited, and want to go tomorrow.  But, funds must be raised first and cross cultural training must be acquired.  Our plan is to go in March.  Help us get there!

For those who are interested, here is an overview of what we did… (I am working on getting pictures up)


We flew from Fort Lauderdale to Port au Prince.  The noon flight from Port au Prince to Les Cayes got cancelled, so Serge (one of RMI’s national staff) came in to pick us up.  We stopped for “fast food” goat on our way to Cayes at a little restaurant that had fast food on the sign.  After the 4 hours drive, we pulled into the driveway of where we will be living.  Thank you to Dan and Amy for the work they did to get the house a little more ready for us to arrive.  And yes, thank you for the gift that you gave us.  Dan gave Becky and I a full tour of the house, yard, and storage depot.  Spike the Iguana is huge!  The tree house needs a little work.  The yard is beautiful!

We went and had dinner at the RMI Guest House with the rest of the RMI missionary staff.


We started by meeting with the Pastors and School Directors from our 25 or so Sister Churches.  They had all travelled to Cayes for a special 2 day meeting/seminar with RMI, lead by RMI President Dan Shoemaker.  Dan did a great job communicating information related to the Sister Church Program, Hope for Kidz, and the new Feeding program we are launching.  I probably should have been there for the whole 2 day seminar, but Becky and I needed the time to do our thing.  On Wednesday morning, we were there for Haitian style introductions and devotions (about an hour and a half).

We then went and started working through our house.  Generally speaking, we did a lot of sorting, purging, measuring and planning.  After lunch, back with the Pastor’s and Directors at the seminar, Becky and I jumped on a 4 wheeler and toured the mission center, and a little off the mission center.  It was a blast to take Becky around and show her where everything was, where everyone lived, and a little of the countryside.  We got a few stares when I ended up driving through someone’s yard!

That afternoon we spent more time working at the house.

In the evening, we had dinner at the McLaughlin’s home, and then it was on to Prayer Meeting with all the missionaries that live on the mission center.  There were probably 40 or so people there.  It was great.  I had the opportunity to speak.  The best part was just spending time with and meeting the other missionaries that we will serve alongside.


I shared the devotional (simultaneously translated of course) at the Pastor and School Director’s meeting in the morning.  Then, Becky and I spent more time at the house.

We had lunch at the Ferris’s home.  Great meal and fellowship!  Thanks Tom and Karen!  Tom and Karen are teachers at the school on the mission center.  Yes, I will always have fond memories of the multiple chairs I have broken at your home.

In the afternoon Deb Wray, another missionary on the center, took Becky (RMI Missionaries Marilyn, Amy and I tagged along) downtown to show us where to shop.  WOW, our eyes were opened to many new sites!  It was great go in, see the markets, meet the store owners, etc…  Walking through the outdoor markets was literally “breath taking”.  We also drove through a slum area of Cayes.

Thursday night we went to Gelee Beach to a restaurant with the other RMI missionary staff as well as several of the Haitian staff.  We enjoyed good Griot (deep fried pork), Pwazon (fish), and Lambi (Conch). 


We spent the morning at the house again.  We had lunch at the home of Sean and Heather Christensen.  Wow, awesome family that we can’t wait to get to know better.  Spaghetti and meatballs.  Thank you Sean and Heather!  We could just tell, they are really genuine good people with servant’s hearts that love Jesus. 

We then went to Rainbow beach for the afternoon.  What a way to end a busy week.  There is nothing like sitting on a beach, under the coconut trees, relaxing.  Nice.

In the evening, we went to the home of LJ and Ruth Scott and fellowshipped with them, the Ferris’, McLaughlins, and Amy Long.  Becky got hit on the shoulder with a falling almond out of the tree above!  Again, just a great time of connections…


We got on the little Tortug plane and headed back to Port au Prince and then back to Fort Lauderdale.

All in all, a great week!
