Hey Support Team...
Thanks for praying and being on the team! We need you all more than you'll ever know. We are counting on your prayers! I have been working on a list of goals for the next several months, and I thought I would share them so that you all can be praying!
Here is what I plan to accomplished in the next few months...
- Budget (to be approved June 1)
- Fiscal Oversight plan rolled out (first week of June)
- Migrate to Quickbooks by Aug 1 (lots and lots and lots and lots of work, seminars, training, set up, integration with other software, report redevelopment)
- Support Raising. We are at 79% with 1137/month to raise. Invitations have gone out for two desert fellowships. 22 couples have been invited.
- Computer Network. We continue to have unresolved issues with speed of connecting to our network, onsite and remote. Pray for quick resolution. System for Backing up and securing data is not complete.
- RMI's Website. Total redesign including Intranet for missionaries, Online resources, access to missionary and field Blogs for updating sister churches.
By the way, for our mutual edification... I have been reminded recently to make sure that goals are S.M.A.R.T. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Sensitive. I am a dreamer, so I always have to challenge myself on the realistic aspect. How about you?