Preparing for Guatemala

I am off to Guatemala on Friday with a team from my church. These are 2 pictures from Rob's previous trip to Guatemala. I am so excited to see the people and the sights of this beautiful country. I am even more excited to see what God is going to do through our team. We will be holding medical clinics in the mornings, doing VBS and sports clinics in the afternoons, as well as various meetings of groups within the church (women, men, leadership). We will be doing evangelistic-type activities in the evenings. I am looking forward to working alongside the people of our sister church in Chipel.

The reality of leaving Drew and Tessa for 9 days is starting to set in. I'll miss Rob an aweful lot too, but I've never left the kids before! My Mom flies in today to help with the kids while I am away. They are going to have so much fun with Mom-Mom, that I think leaving is going to be harder on me!

I still need prayer partners! If you would like to support me and our team in prayer, email me and I will get you a prayer guide for the week. Thank you to all those who have already comitted to praying!

