NJ Smells...

New Jersey...I can't get over the smells...they are oh so good...

I can't get over the emotion that wells up inside of me when I inhale in NJ.  It is hard to describe...

You should have seen me with my head out the window, neck extended as far as humanly possible, sort of like a dog as I was driving around.

So what smells?

The bay.  Most visitors will tell you it is a foul odor.  Me?  I love it!  It reminds me of home.  Nothing like the bay at low tide.

Dirt.  Yeah, I can't really describe it.  Dirt is everywhere, right?  Well, I guess NJ dirt is different.  The minute I step off the plane, there is the smell.  I love it.  I feel at home.

Pine Trees.  In certainly places, where the pine trees are blowing in the wind, the smell is intoxicating.  By the way, I love that sound too.  The pine smell is so natural.  Not like a pine candle, or a bag of potpourri.  It is real...it is good.

I like NJ.  I miss it.  But I am sure glad to be going home...



Rob and Becky said…
Just thought i'd give credit where credit is due... rob took all these pics...Aren't they great?

Brian said…
Rob, I love your pictures. One of the reasons I often check this blog it to see if you've posted any more shots. I am really impressed. Nice work.

Chip and Karen said…
This is the South Jersey that only natives tend to see. Outstanding pics, Rob! What can you do about getting those smells uploaded?
Malloy said…
Love the photos. They make me want to go visit your home town. I miss the seasons. Nothing like going home!!
Rob and Becky said…
So Brian, you don't really care about me and my family, just my photos eh?

Thanks for the comments guys. I can't believe "home" even has a starbucks now. Want an oxymoron? Welcome the term, South Jersey Yuppy. Hee hee hee, isn't that funny? No matter how hard I have tried, I am the uber Sowth Jerzee Red nek.
Chip and Karen said…
No matter how hard you try, you are NOT the uber Sowth Jerzee Red nek! You WANT to be. You are the Southern New Jersey Yuppy! You don't have a car rusting in your driveway up on blocks, you don't wear flannel, and you don't even own a dog... let alone one missing a leg! Don't be offended! Embrace who you really are!

And be easy on Brian. In honesty... most of your pictures ARE of your FAMILY!