Happy 4th Birthday, Drew!

Drew for email

It’s hard to believe he was this tiny once!


Drew at his 1st Birthday party—it’s amazing how much they grow in one year!


Drew got a tricycle for his 2nd birthday and was riding it like a speed demon in just a few weeks!  Still a little baby-face, but growing fast!


By his 3rd birthday, most of the baby face is gone, and he’s proud to be a big boy.


It’s hard to believe Drew is 4 years old already.  He is now all boy-- no baby left to him.  He grew taller this past year!

We are so blessed to be Drew’s parents!  We love you Drew!



Chip and Karen said…
Happy Birthday, Drew! You're getting so big!

Uncle Chip, Aunt Karen, and Cousins Chase, Zach and Lindsay