My Baby is TWO!!!

I can’t believe Braden is TWO!  He is growing up to fast and thinks he is already as big as Drew and Tessa.  He knows how to fight and push and defend himself.  Man, can he throw a tantrum!  But he’s also sweet and cuddly and really loves his brother and sister.  He loves to give big, sloppy, open-mouthed kisses. He also loves to give Eskimo kisses (nose to nose)—although I am not sure why I don’t have a bloody nose by the time he is done, he is so rough!  IMG_4596

He is my rough and tumble boy.  The nurses called him a football player when he was born-- at 9 pounds, 15 ounces and almost 22 inches long, they weren’t far off the mark.  He’s still a big boy too! 

He’s already speaking “Crenglish”—using both English and Creole words on a regular basis!  Although he speaks a lot more English than Creole, I know he understands much of what is said to him in Creole and I can’t wait to see him develop over the coming years growing up in Haiti.


Above is Braden a few hours old.  Below is my smiley boy on his first birthday.


He sure can be a little bugger—he gets into everything, is a daredevil already, and is such a sweety that he gives his mommy a kiss before bed, starts walking away, then turns around, says “more” and comes back for a second kiss.  We (all of us: including Drew and Tessa) can’t imagine our lives with out him.  I can’t resist that killer smile!  I love that little bugger to pieces.  He is such a huge blessing from God.

