Oh, how I’ve missed thee…
There are a number of things I seriously miss from the US. This list is not inclusive and mostly involves food:
- ground beef with fat (and flavor)
- good burgers and steaks
- boneless chicken breast
- pre-shredded cheese (that is super cheap)
- sales
- frozen veggies
- whole wheat bread and pasta
- feta
- grapes, strawberries, peaches, pink lady apples
- dishwasher
- central air
- swimming pool
- low fat milk already pasteurized and homogenized
- Thomas’ English muffins
I could keep going, but my intent in writing this is not to focus on what I no longer have access to, but to revel in the pure joy of having something in my belly (and freezer) that I haven’t had in over 9 months:
Oh, broccoli, how I’ve missed thee!
Look at the 6 pounds of fresh broccoli I was able to purchase tonight. I was so giddy, I think Rob thought I was nuts. Seriously, I am so excited to have broccoli.
In the US, our family ate broccoli at least 2 times per week. We all love it and my freezer was always full. Frozen broccoli was a convenience I took for granted. There is one small window here where we can get fresh broccoli. The only place I can get it is through SEED, a ministry that teaches agronomy.
I can’t eat this much broccoli before it goes bad, so I had to first wash it, then blanch it before I could freeze it. I was so excited, I even saved and froze all the stalks to make broccoli soup. In the past, I always threw them all away.
Tonight we had Kraft mac-n-cheese and broccoli for dinner. Don’t you know the kids all ate their broccoli first. And Braden didn’t finish his mac-n-cheese—but he did ask for more broccoli!