2 New Potential Haitian Sister Churches…

150+/- miles on a dirt bike over mountain terrain might tire out out my body, but certainly not my spirit!  In fact, God uses a trip like this to revive my spirit.  It puts thing in perspective. it reminds me of opportunity for the body of Christ to come together, to serve one another, to learn from one another, to love be another, to edify one another.  It lets me see the big picture.

On Tuesday, Gary, Benjamin and I headed out to visit 2 more potential Sister Church sites.  Desriveaux (pronounced Dairy-vo) and Chardonette (pronounced Shardo-net) are both clearly off the beaten path.  To be fair, it's not hard to get off the beaten path here in Haiti. But nonetheless, these churches are certainly off the main roads, away from traffic, away from help... far away. 

Desriveaux pictures here.
Desriveaux Trip Track here.
Desriveaux Waypoint here.

Chardonette pictures here.
Chardonette Trip Track here.
Chardonette Waypoint here.

Maybe later I will share some stories from this trip.  Like... seeing hospitality in its most raw/pure form.  Like... taking a detour and being thrown off my dirt bike and rolling down a steep incline after unsuccessfully attempting to scale a 90 degree dirt/grass vertical wall. Ok, it clearly wasn't 90 degrees, but you get the idea.

One of these churches will be "assigned" this week.  The other, not sure when, but probably not too long.  We have a number of additional U.S. churches interested.  There will be more visits to potential sites to come.

I can't wait to get a U.S. Church team out there to these sites.  These are AWESOME churches with GREAT friendly people.  God is going to change lives, both in these communities, and in the U.S..  Come on down.

