My Heart was/is Broken… Again…
I want you to meet 6ish year old Mika (Meeka). She is on the outside. I know her name. It’s easier when you don’t know their name… When I took the photos below, about 150 school children were inside the church enjoying the presence of one of our visiting Sister Church teams. At the very moment I took the first photo below, there were roars of laughter and squeals of delight in response to the activity that the visiting team was doing. It was a great encouragement to the children on the inside. But, in my heart, that which was going on on the inside, was overshadowed by what was happening on the outside. Mika. Why? Why was she standing there with dirty clothes, no pants on, no access to the hope available from an education. I am certain she is under nourished. Yet, she looks so hard and strong. She looks so determined at such a young age. What lies ahead for her? What is her life really like? I am certain I am far from understanding. I asked a few questions, that I am sure don’t tell me the whole story. Her family can’t afford to send her to school. Her brother was also close buy, also watching from the outside, very dirty, with girls jeans on that didn’t nearly fit, and no shirt. Mika’s future is uncertain. It. Breaks. My. Heart. I see children like this all the time. Every place I visit, there are children on the outside.
Here is Mika, first on her own, then with brother and 2 friends, all on the outside. Then you will see a picture of the children on the inside.

Here is Mika, first on her own, then with brother and 2 friends, all on the outside. Then you will see a picture of the children on the inside.