Grateful and Blessed...

We say it all the time for one reason.  IT IS TRUE.  We are grateful.  We are humbled.  We are appreciative.  We are loved.  We are supported.  We are blessed. The fact that there is an army of people standing with us, behind us and before us, encourages us deeply in our soul.  Every day, it keeps us fighting.

We know that we actually would have to move back to the US and be normal if it weren't for people sacrificially and generously giving on a monthly/annual basis.

We hear it all the time that people are praying.  Seriously, a lot of people are praying for us.  A LOT.  How many people can say that they have an army of people praying for them on a regular basis.  How cool is that?

To those who stand with us, THANK YOU.
