10 Years Serving with RMI!

The beginning of September marks our 10 year anniversary with RMI!  10 years ago we sold our house in the Chicago area and moved to an apartment in Miami.  We had spent the previous 9 months raising the financial support we needed to take this position.  I had just found out I was pregnant for the 7th time.  Rob started working in the RMI Home Office as the VP of Operations. 

We loved RMI, it’s ministries and the life-transformation that occurs when 2 churches from 2 different cultures come together to minister together and to one another.  God used our experiences with our sister churches in Haiti (Linwood Community/Anse-a-Veau and The Orchard/Astruc)  to be just that: life-transforming.  We were very excited to be a part of it!

Our first prayer card:


10 years ago I never truly thought this is where we’d be today.  Oh, the thought crossed my mind as a possibility, but that’s all it ever was.  I never thought we’d have 3 kids.  Never imagined this life we have in Haiti with those 3 kids!

Our current prayer card:

Prayer Card 2014

So much has changed these past 10 years!  We’ve had the responsibility of raising financial support for more than 10 years.  That alone is a daunting task. Halfway through, we heard the Lord  asking us to take a new direction and make the move to Haiti. Although these years have been hard, they have also been filled with joy and adventure!  We’ve had the confidence of knowing, each step of the way, that we have been right where God wanted us to be.  I can look back and see Him guiding us, preparing our hearts for the ministry He has us in at this very moment in Haiti. 

And I am humbled.  I am grateful.

So many of you have supported us from the very beginning with your prayers, your finances, and your support.  We’ve appreciated your continued friendship despite the distance.  For those of you who’ve supported us these past 10 years, I feel like it’s your anniversary too!  You are a partner in this ministry!  That’s true for all of you who support us, whether it’s been 10 years or 6 months.  

It may be cliché, but we couldn’t be here in this ministry without you.  We are humbled by your commitment, grateful for your partnership.  As we celebrate this milestone, we celebrate you!

Thank you!

