Please Help Us!
If you are financially supporting us we truly appreciate you and your ongoing generous sacrifice. You are a like a member of our extended family!
We are 100% supported by donations from individuals and churches. It may surprise some, but most of our financial support actually comes directly from individuals/families. Many people have chosen $50/$75/$100 each month, some more some less. Can you help us in this way?
Want to know HOW to join our financial support team?
Give online right now via your Credit Card or Bank Account. You can set up monthly giving, or give special gifts at this secure site. It's really easy.
Give via paper check. Please make your check payable to RMI. To designate it as a gift for us, please send a small note stating this gift is for "Rob and Becky Thompson's Ministry Account".
All gifts are Tax Deductible. You will receive receipts for each gift you give.
Thank you!