Our Family is “All In”…

All InIt brings us such great joy to know we are where God wants us to be.  There is no greater blessing than serving Jesus.  Our family is “all in”. 

We often hear Drew pray, “Lord, thank you that we get to be in Haiti to share the Gospel.”  How cool is that?!

Recently our whole family had the opportunity and privilege to join up with Harper Evangelical Free Church as they visited their Sister Church in Les Irois, Haiti.  Just a quick 9 hour drive over the mountains!

This year, the team focused on visiting and encouraging 2 satellite churches (1 required a long hike to a mountain top – totally worth it), celebrating the recent installation of the school/church/parsonage solar system, a Men’s BBQ, a Ladies gathering, a Hope for Kidz sponsored children’s gathering, and lots of fellowship/smiles/worship/encouragement.

Yes the drive/hike was long.  Yes, it was dirty. Yes, it was hard.  Yes, it was sweaty.  Yes, it was uncomfortable.  Yes, it was stretching.  Yes, it was worth it, even priceless!

Soul deep satisfaction can be only found in Jesus.  It satisfies my soul to know that my family and I are serving Jesus with all that we have and all that we are.

Below are some pictures…

As you can see, my kids were swarmed with other kids.  They had a BLAST, and they loved it (most of the time)!

You can see more pictures here.

Drew being the center of attention…


Braden played hard!


Tessa with her friend Rebekah.


Here we are praying with the local people over the location of a future church on this mountain top in Jorge, Haiti.

