Photos with Impact...

I am no photo editing expert, but I have been having fun with image editing recently. Becuase I am apparently slow and the photoshop learning curve is severe, I have not been able to make that jump yet. I want to use PhotoShop becuase that is what the experts use, but it is just so darned hard to figure out.

So, I am left with PhotoImpact. I have used PhotoImpact for probably 15 years. I love it. Many people will argue it has the same functionality, but it is easier to use, and comparitively, incredibly affordable. I don't believe all of the hype, but I am finding that for a 5th of the price, PhotoImpact is doing well for me.

So, here are some samples for you to feast your eyes on...



Chip and Karen said…
Rob, you've really done a great job with these pics! My favorite may be the one of Tessa in her bathing suit. Quick question on the "panoramic" pic. Did you select some sort of "standard" panoramic sizing, or is it somewhat arbitrary? I sometimes hesitate to create the panoramics like this one for fear of not being able to find a frame to suit it.
Mark B said…
Rob - love the photos. Are you familiar with GIMP. It is an open source photo editing program very similar to PhotoShop, including the learning curve. But the cool thing is it is totally free. Here's the URL for it...
cookiehawk77 said…
My hubby Mark likes The Gimp too. He needed something at work, and they wouldn't pay. I wouldn't pay for Photoshop either. But I've used it, and it's not that difficult. But then I had my own personal tutor here.

Lovely pics! Nice effects! Beautiful subject! Have fun!