Where have we been?

We haven't posted in several days.  Very unlike us.  Why not?

Apparently I need to install airbags in my computers...our home computer crashed.  My office laptop twice, and now our home desktop.  When it rains it pours (Hezekiah 1:1).  It severely crashed.  Due to a corrupt data file in the file system, we had to start over from scratch (reformatted the hard drive).  I was able to save all of our data by slaving the drive on another computer system and then backing it up.  Can you imagine if we lost all of our photos and videos?  Oh my...  You can bet everything has not been backed up to DVD's.

Another reason is we have been spending more time on Facebook recently.  I am giving her a run for her money, but Becky is addicted...

Another reason is that we have had visitors!  Enrique, Chrissie and Marissa Coreano, missionaries in Guatemala with RMI staying at our home for 3 nights while having meetings with RMI.  We had a great time.  Here are 2 pictures from their visit...

