Did I meet an angel, or a Spirit prompted courageous saint?

I just finished a book.  In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, by Mark Batterson.  Wow, what a life altering message.  I need more time to pray and process it's content and assimilate it's timely message into my life, but you can be certain that this is one book that will long be on my must read list.  I will write more later, but there is a story behind this book that I have to share.  Apparently, I was in the right place at the right time...

I was having a discussion with someone on Monday of last week at a restaurant out of town.  We were at Giorgios Bakery in Hollywood, FL. A woman that we had never met before came up to our table and said... "I heard you were men of faith.  My church, Oasis Church, is reading and studying this book and I think it might be helpful for you."  She handed us a napkin that she had written the title and author of this book on.  With no further comment, she walked away.  Now that will set anyone back a few steps!  To be honest, my first thought was, who is this weird and crazy lady?  (Read the book and you might understand why zany might be a better word!)  Once I saw the title on the napkin, my next thought...was she an Angel?!  This same book crossed my path several weeks ago on account of one of my pastors at McGregor Baptist

How did she "hear" we were "men of faith".  Did God tell her?  Maybe it wasn't so spiritual and she simply saw us pray before our meal?  I don't know the details, but she was obviously spirit prompted and then willing to "chase a lion" and offer a very timely recommendation to 2 guys in the midst of such a conversation.

I have read a lot of books (seminary and bible college has that affect!), but I don't think there has ever been a book that resonated with my spirit cover to cover to the degree that this book does. It is not a long book, and it is pretty easy reading.  I can tell you I devoured it like no book before it.  Yes, it may be easy reading, yet applying it's truths will be tough indeed.  I hung on every word and highlighted line after line like no book I have ever read prior.  My applications and thoughts will come later after I can prayerfully process it's content.  Needless to say, its message was a timely force. 

Rob (the Want to be Lion Chaser)
