I was reading this morning...

My heart and my mind are troubled.  As may be the case for you, I have been thinking, feeling, and praying for the Haitian people.  Names come to mind of people I have met in the context of my own Sister Church Partnership.   They are undoubtedly struggling making it through each day.

Close your eyes, Imagine what it might be like, paint that picture.  (It will be hard to imagine if you haven't been with the Haitian people in Haiti).  Your home flooded.    Everything you own has been saturated with water.  You have no resources to go and replace that which this has been ruined.  Cooking is difficult with wet charcoal.  Supplies (gas, food) reaching your area has been cut off by washed out roads.  Vehicles have been flooded out and our unusable.  Your animals and crops have been obliterated.  From my comfortable chair in my living room, I can't begin to imagine.

I read Galatians 6:9-10.  "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." 

It is within the context of a RMI Sister Church Partnership that we are able to do exactly this!

Note: we are working on a plan to provide relief.  We will certainly post when we have something to share.

May He lead us as we seek to do good, especially to our extended family...



Malloy said…
Let us know how and if we can help in a practical sense! We would love to help.