Coach K got it right…

coach k I heard the following yesterday on “Mike and Mike” on ESPN radio…

As they talked college basketball, (which I acknowledge somewhat ashamedly that I do not follow) illustrious “Coach K” (Mike Krzyzewski) shared that he had challenged his team after they had won a run, but had yet to fulfill The dream, that he wanted to see…

“Confidence and Commitment, not Confidence and Complacency.” 

I like that.

With a little success, we get too big for our britches.  Our posture may be a laissez faire pride in our achievement, when it should rather be a commitment to a properly aligned humility in advance of our future.  Pride in self does not acknowledge the true reason for success.  Therefore, one’s future victory is uncertain and out of reach due to a misplaced confidence.  Trust in self, and we will fail every time. Pride breeds failure, but humility breeds success.

I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded, that he is able…
2 Tim 1:12

