Urgent/Special Request from Rob and Becky

We need to raise $12,000 in the next 30 days.

We need your help.  You know we have been raising funds as we prepare to move to Haiti.  We are getting close, and deadlines are quickly approaching!

Right now, we are at 82% of our monthly need and 32% of our 1x need.  You can get an update here.

Although we technically have until March to be fully supported, a significant portion of our "1x need" must be received this month if we are to remain on schedule.  If we are to stay on track, and send our container on or about December 15th to Haiti, we must raise about $12,000 between now and November 30.  This $12,000 covers the container and shipping costs, customs taxes and fees, as well as some required ministry equipment and supplies that we need to pack in the container.

Would you consider a special donation here at the end of the year to help us get to Haiti?

Want to donate Online?
Visit www.rminet.org/donate.  You can donate securely via your checking account or credit card account.  FYI, if you want to make a large donation, donating via your checking account online or sending in a paper check in the mail would be preferred due to Credit Card processing fees.

Want to donate via check in the mail?
Mail your check to the address below.  Make it payable to RMI.  Please note on the check or by separate sheet that it is for our 1x needs to get to Haiti.  If you are sending a check, let us know at robandbecky@robandbecky.com

We don't know how this is going to happen, but we believe it will happen.  If you can't give financially, would you please pray?

