My heart is troubled…

I know that God is sovereign, but it is times like these that we doubt, we ask questions, we wonder… where is God?  God is at work.  We don’t have answers, but we know, God is at work, even in the midst of this devastation.

I am burdened for the Haitian people.  So many lives lost.  So much ruin.  So much heartache.  So much need.  So much poverty.

It wants me to get there even faster.  I want to help. 

Here are some basic updates…

Our missionaries in Cayes (where we will live) are apparently ok.  We have a team in country right now from SC, they are ok.  We are working to get them back home safely.  There does seem to be some damage in the Cayes area, but not nearly what we are seeing in Port au Prince.

So far, it is our understanding that all of our Sister Churches are ok.  They were far enough away from the epicenter.  I am sure more reports will eventually come in telling us more.

I was supposed to go to Haiti for a week tomorrow.  This trip is now cancelled.

Our container with everything that we have is in Port au Prince right now.  I have no idea of it’s condition. 

You can donate to the relief effort online at

God, please move in the midst of these days, and make yourself known.  Draw many to yourself.  Use your people.



I'm over here from Stephanie's blog.

Another way for me to pray for this devastation today. Thank you for answering God's call to mission work abroad. You are living a very good obedience; God will bless you.
