I am always saying it. I love what we get to do. We recently had a team come from McGregor Baptist Church in Fort Myers, FL. I can't say I have met another church that is more ready, prepared, and unashamed of sharing the Gospel. They came fired up and ready. God showed up.
This team did several open air services. To be honest, these didn't seem to be all that successful, although I am looking at it from an earthly perspective. They shared clearly and firmly with the masses at these events and only God knows truly what was eternally accomplished.
Sharing the Gospel "Yard2Yard" |
The harvesting almost exclusively came as they broke up into small teams and did what I like to call Yard2Yard Evangelism. In the US, it's typically called Door to Door, but in Haiti, pretty much no one stays indoors, so we visit yards. The team of 21 split into 3-4 teams through the week in 4-5 communities in conjunction with the local MEBSH church, each with a translator and each with a deacon representative with the local church. (EVERYTHING we do is done with the local church). Each yard was chosen by the local pastors and deacons, people who they deemed "needing to hear". In these face to face Yard2Yard encounters, one by one people professed faith. 64 all together. Wow. Again, only God knows what was going on in the hearts of those 64 people, but I can tell you confidently that they each took a step, and now the local church has their names, knows that a profession was made, and they will follow up.
Praying before going out to share. Church Plant in the
background. |
Did I mention that I love what we get to do?